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Waste management companies offer various services that are crucial to helping reduce waste in our cities. However, they have to carefully balance the environmental impact and the cost of the services. According to Junk Luggers, $200 billion is spent nationwide on solid waste management every year, which is considered lost energy resources from trash disposal. Let’s review everything you need to know about the economics behind trash services.

The Costs of Management

Waste management comes with significant costs. Typically, the costs start when the trash truck heads out for residential curbside services. However, they don’t stop there. Companies must pay employees, maintain trucks, and pay the cost of trash disposal. Several methods are utilized, with landfills being the most common. This high cost is one of the many reasons people push everyone to reduce waste when they can.

Various Methods Utilized

There are several ways to dispose of waste, each with its own cost and environmental impact. Landfills are extremely common because they are more cost-effective than others but have a higher environmental impact. Many landfills burn trash, sending chemicals into the atmosphere. Trash may fall into nearby oceans, wreaking havoc on nearby wildlife and ecosystems. Incineration is often used to burn trash and create energy, but it can produce massive amounts of air pollution if not done carefully. Recycling centers are a popular way to reuse everyday items like plastics. However, they cost more money, and only certain materials can be recycled.

Residential Customers

Many waste management companies try to find a sweet spot between cost and environmental impact, but this often depends on the customers. Those who pay for residential curbside services usually have to foot the bill for other services as well, like recycling. Some clients can afford recycling programs, while others can’t. The cost of trash removal often varies depending on the methods used, which means more people are opting for companies that utilize landfills due to the reduced cost. Balancing the cost and environmental impact often depends on the customers and the economy they live in.

We strive to reduce environmental impact while ensuring our customers are satisfied with our residential curbside services. Contact our team at Tiger Sanitation today to learn more about our available programs.